Independent Power Producer Program

Qulliq Energy Corporation accepting applications for technical assessments for the Independent Power Producer program

Qulliq Energy Corporation (QEC) has received interim ministerial approval to implement the Independent Power Producer (IPP) program and will initially be accepting applications for the technical feasibility studies for the IPP program, subject to the following conditions:

1.     The interim exemption applies only to Inuit organizations, Inuit-owned organizations and hamlets.

2.     The IPP proponents will bear all risks and costs associated with the work towards the IPP Program, including those related to Connection Impact Assessment (CIA) studies.

3.     That QEC puts forward an amended IPP Policy for Cabinet approval, by the end of the year.

The program allows producers outside the utility who meet the IPP program’s technical requirements and who are successful in being approved for participation in the IPP program by QEC to generate electrical power from renewable energy systems and sell it directly to QEC. Integrating renewable energy systems in the territory’s energy grid helps decrease Nunavut’s dependency on diesel fuel, enabling the corporation to reduce carbon emissions and promote energy self-reliance.

QEC will begin initial reviews of applications to determine whether they meet the program’s technical requirements. The corporation strongly recommends that potential participants not purchase renewable energy generating systems until their application has received official written approval by QEC.

Technical Interconnection Requirements

All potential participants must follow the criteria and standards outlined in QEC’s IPP program Technical Interconnection Requirements (TIR). To read the requirements
